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PP masterbatch good you know it? Hangzhou Yujie tell you!
Release date: [2016/7/20]  Read total of [600] times

Quality PP masterbatch gave us a different kind of color in life. Life will not leave it like this beauty. You know a good PP masterbatch is what it?

Hangzhou Yujie Chemical Co., Ltd. has a large variety of colors of polypropylene masterbatch, product quality and stability, good color, gloss, distributed evenly! discount price! Service first! Customers can request a variety of custom functions required masterbatch. PP masterbatch is mainly used for: fiber drawing, pulling hair and other technology! Customers can request longwire, staple fiber, filament, coarse wire. Specific circumstances, technical support, product queries and product pricing, please call to discuss!

Masterbatch polypropylene plastic packaging Storage:
Product is double packed, the inner layer is waterproof polyethylene film bag, the outer paper-plastic bag. Standard Package 25 kg / bag. Please stored in ventilated, dry place, set under the pad material, avoid the sun, rain, color masterbatch its shelf-life of up to five years. After opening the package using the remaining part should be re-sealed to prevent dust pollution and moisture absorption.

Polypropylene plastic masterbatch advantages:
1. conducive to maintaining the stability of the pigment chemical stability and color.
2. better pigment dispersion in plastics, light resistance,, water resistance, dry resistance, oil resistance.
3. To protect the health of operators.
4. The process is simple, easy to turn color.
5. Environmental clean, not soiled utensils.
6. Save time and raw materials.

We Hangzhou Yujie Chemical Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of polypropylene masterbatch manufacturers, our product quality checks, merchants want to call help.